I have been living in a cloud for about a week now. Literally.
Intense fog and cloud like substances have been hovering over our little town and massive mountain.
The other day I woke up and looked out my window. I was staring directly at a cloud. I felt as if I was floating.
Some have been complaining that they don't so much like this intrusion of nature. I don't mind it.
I feel hidden and safe. I can't even see two feet in front of me when walking to class. Its exciting.
Funny how I don't have the same reaction in trusting God's leading in my life.
The campus has had an erie feel because of the fog, and up until today there was a strange warm breeze continually blowing all week. It's mid November and the leaves have fallen. The trees stand naked. Vulnerable even. The fog lingers. I haven't seen the top of the Saleve in about a week. Its beautiful. Strangely beautiful.
Wish I could say the same about my life, truth is the fog that I live in day in and day out sometimes hinders me from accomplishing greater things. The physical fog is romantic and dangerous, alluring even. And so is the spiritual fog, so many times I try to conquer it all on my own. Sins, selfish wants, ungodly tendencies are romantic, dangerous and alluring.
Is it worth it?
Of course not.
Do I need His help daily?
Of course I do. I often forget to ask of it though.
My prayer for me and for you is to get rid of the "fog" in our lives to clearly see what God intends for us.
Mercy. so true.
that fog does sound cool. alluring is my favorite word you used.
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