This is Naudz. Naudz is my sister.
Naudz was asked by a photography major at Andrews University to help him with a project.
This picture encompasses every emotion that I'm feeling right now.
This very second.
It's been a reoccurring feeling lately.
I am frustrated with matters of my spirituality.
I am frustrated with matters of the heart.
I am frustrated with people who call themselves my friends.
I am frustrated with not knowing what my purpose in this life is.
I am frustrated with well...almost everything at this point.
It'll be nice when I WON'T feel like this anymore, although for some reason I have a feeling that it might take awhile.
Well, in any case I'm working on it. To NOT be as frustrated as I am. Right now. This very second.
It's really frustrating to be frustrated. It really is.
i agree.
aaaand i can't really think of anything else to say about that. haha.
Maybe there's growth and understanding coming... maybe it's good to look at it that way. Maybe? Frustration sucks, because it means that there's not much you can do about it. You just have to sit and stew and mourn and cry and wait. Ugh. You are loved though Ludine, remember that. Always.
Hey Ludine, read my new blog! Through your frustration, praise God anyhow!
that a very intense picture
I love you Tara and you are right. I'll just keep waiting. Growth is coming. I can feel it.
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