Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Burgers...or NOT.


Today, I have been deceived.

I walked into the cafe and instead of our usual polenta with some mushroom goop, there before my eyes were burgers and fries. My mouth watered a little bit and my eyes teared up when I thought of home and eating burgers. Any kind really, veggie or meat. I was thinking how thoughtful it was of the chef to cook us an american lunch. I remembered the goodness. I remembered it, and then I got closer to the line. I saw cheese and a slice of tomato in between the buns but that was it.

"hmmm that's a little strange" I thought to myself. I pushed the thought aside and put the plate on my tray.

"Merci Chef!" I proclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Derien my petite" he replied with a smile as he continued serving the others.

The anticipation was killing me but I got a drink, utensils and condiments (they taste different here by the way) and made it to my seat. Finally ready I raised the burger to my mouth the smell slightly different, nonetheless I was excited, and took a colossal bite.

My taste buds recoiled in surprise/they didn't know exactly what to feel.

There was no burger in my burger bun for it was just a corn patty and a very small and well hidden one at that.
Oh well, at least they tried.


Nicholas said...

haha! corn burgers.

kessia reyne said...

Better luck next time, France!

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