Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Snow Day

"Hey! Omigosh, wake up!
Look outside! It's snowiiiiing!"

That was the frantic wake up call from my roommate. Then my eyes feasted on this:

So I decided to capture my first snow fall in France:

Then, today in the mail all the Southern students received a little christmas surprise:

Happy snow day everyone, it's a great day.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This is Naudz. Naudz is my sister.
Naudz was asked by a photography major at Andrews University to help him with a project.
This picture encompasses every emotion that I'm feeling right now.
This very second.

It's been a reoccurring feeling lately.

I am frustrated with matters of my spirituality.
I am frustrated with matters of the heart.
I am frustrated with people who call themselves my friends.
I am frustrated with not knowing what my purpose in this life is.
I am frustrated with well...almost everything at this point.

It'll be nice when I WON'T feel like this anymore, although for some reason I have a feeling that it might take awhile.
Well, in any case I'm working on it. To NOT be as frustrated as I am. Right now. This very second.

It's really frustrating to be frustrated. It really is.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fog, get rid of it

I have been living in a cloud for about a week now. Literally.
Intense fog and cloud like substances have been hovering over our little town and massive mountain.
The other day I woke up and looked out my window. I was staring directly at a cloud. I felt as if I was floating.
Some have been complaining that they don't so much like this intrusion of nature. I don't mind it.
I feel hidden and safe. I can't even see two feet in front of me when walking to class. Its exciting.
Funny how I don't have the same reaction in trusting God's leading in my life.

The campus has had an erie feel because of the fog, and up until today there was a strange warm breeze continually blowing all week. It's mid November and the leaves have fallen. The trees stand naked. Vulnerable even. The fog lingers. I haven't seen the top of the Saleve in about a week. Its beautiful. Strangely beautiful.

Wish I could say the same about my life, truth is the fog that I live in day in and day out sometimes hinders me from accomplishing greater things. The physical fog is romantic and dangerous, alluring even. And so is the spiritual fog, so many times I try to conquer it all on my own. Sins, selfish wants, ungodly tendencies are romantic, dangerous and alluring.

Is it worth it?
Of course not.
Do I need His help daily?
Of course I do. I often forget to ask of it though.

My prayer for me and for you is to get rid of the "fog" in our lives to clearly see what God intends for us.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Three weeks.

Three weeks.

Three. Weeks.

I will see her pretty little round face.

In three weeks my sister will be here in France with me. She will be with me for 16 days.

Am I excited?

I might be. just a tad.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fallen, but not Lost

I have been attending a weekly Bible study on Tuesday nights since being here in Collonges. It's just a few of us, but that's okay. We've been studying Genesis the last few weeks and last night we had a discussion about chapter 3. I have read Genesis before, "Our little Friend", "Guide", family worships and some of my own devotion time helped contribute to my education of the "In the beginning" story. I think the last time I read it in it's entirety was sometime in middle school but that's besides the point. It's self explanatory right? God makes the world, God makes man, then woman. They fall in love. Eat from the tree, then human race is almost doomed, Jesus to the rescue, Amen.

There's more than that though. We looked closer, dug deeper to find some very enlightening things.

Among the many points in this chapter, here's what suck out to me:

Verse 20- "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."

I noticed that throughout the time Adam and Eve had been together before the fall he had called her 'woman'-

Chapter 2 verse 23

The man said,
This is now bone of my bones,
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman'
for she was taken out of man.

I think to myself, immediately after 'woman' gave him the fruit and they realized their vulnerability everything changed. Maybe at that point, they felt that they were no longer "one". Something wasn't vibing anymore. Woman had come from man but he couldn't trust her anymore. Things were different. He named her Eve. He felt hurt for the first time. Separation occurs.
Man's curse was that he would toil with the land for the rest of his life. Nature wouldn't work with him but against him. Men who burry themselves in their work today possibly as a distraction? Avoidance possibly?
Woman's curse was that she would have pain in childbearing and that her desire would be for her husband. So true, even today. I don't care how feministic or tough you are (myself included of course) we all desire men. We want to please them, be recognized by them, be their treasure or less. Media tells us all the little "secrets" we should know in order to keep our men around.

We messed up big time.

I often wonder what would have happened if?

if Adam hadn't eaten the fruit and asked God to spare Eve's life. I mean really for beings who had never experienced the emotions of sin; blame, shame and nakedness, they were intelligent enough to immediately think to themselves, "umm let's sew some fig leaves together because we shouldn't be exposed like this" they should have been intelligent enough to think, at least Adam, to deny the fruit and ask for some kind of alternative plan.

if Adam really loved 'woman' than maybe he would've asked to die in her place. That would have been romantic.
That was not the case however and we cannot turn back the clock. We can however see that even from the beginning man and woman have had their issues. Sin not only placed a wedge between us and our Maker, but between each other as well.
So what do we do? We hurt each other, want each other, loathe one another, "need" the other, deceive each other, love each other, make idols of each other... the list goes on. Thank goodness for God's love.

I am highly interested in the human psyche, and the way that men and women relate to each other fascinates me. How can we learn to love each other truly and become "one" again the way God wants? So many walls have been built, innocent hearts betrayed, and hopeful spirits crushed. Trust issues, love issues,compatibility issues, all kind of issues... what fascinates me even more is that God intended such deep, and meaningful relationships for the three of us: man, woman, and Him. Unfortunately, it's not that easy but there is a way.

Accept God's love for you.
Love Him back.
Trust Him. Then,
Copy Him: Love others.

I do believe that the way we can learn to love is by learning how God loves. Maybe this won't always make sense, we are human and cannot comprehend what God expects of us. We just walk blindly. We walk until we fall right where he needs us to be, with who we need to be with.

We are fallen, but not lost.

Hebrews 10:36
'You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.'

I think that goes for everything, even relationships. All types.

We are all vulnerable. That is a fact of life.

One day Adam and Eve will be man and woman again. One day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

He answered before I spoke

My struggle and His response:
I'm not brave.
I'm not eloquent or good with words.
I'm hurting.
I can't even figure out how to follow your commands.
I might be a Pop and a Trad- but definitely not a Rad. Not yet anyway.
I always mess up.
I don't always stand up for You.
I let you down.
I compare, criticize and judge unfairly.
I keep trying to "find myself" but without You.
I'm inconsistent.
I'm so lost.

He answered before I spoke.
He knew what my heart was saying.
He answered before I spoke.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Paris Je t'aime? Part 2

Days 1, 2, 3 & 4- Go to Versailles, some old hospital in Orleans, Chateaux de Chambord, The Eiffel Tower with the school. Live off of croissants and bread and cheese the whole time.

Get lost in an art district. People ask if they can sketch us, paint us, draw us. We find La Sacre Coeur. I am reminded of the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie, "Passport to Paris". Flashback to childhood. I may have squealed.

I eat the best crêpe EVER.

Day 5- sit in McDonalds for three hours and eat twice. Watch weird music videos.

I notice that EVERYONE smokes in Paris, and EVERYONE looks the same. They wear a lot of black.

Meet up with our couchsurfing host Michelle. Awkward moments at her best friends birthday party. Good conversations with everyone there.

Day 6- It's the sabbath. We sleep in then listen to John Nixon's sermon online.

Day 7- Meet up with some of our fellow ACA peers and go to the Sacre Coeur for the second time. Shopping is had.

Ate a Kabob. It was tasty.

Later, we make our way over to Jim Haynes home for a delightful evening. I get some business cards and a picture with Jim Haynes. I also purchase his book "Everything Is".

Day 8- We walk the streets of Paris, visit the Notre Dame. More shopping. Feet hurt.

Later, we meet Michelle's friends and fellow Parisian couch surfers (apparently there are 10,000 in Paris and they were ALL there. It seemed that way anyway) at an "Irish" pub that was really American (they were playing American football on the TV).

Played a quiz game in teams. The prize was a bottle of Vodka. We lost.

Day 9- I have finally mastered how maintain balance when riding in the Metro so as not to fall into strangers when it abruptly starts moving.

We walk the streets of Paris, visit the Louvre. More shopping. Feet hurt, a LOT. Eat at a "natural"/bio restaurant. It was okay. Not worth 12 euros though.

Go back to Michelle's flat. Hang out, write a song about Pesto Rosso while playing her guitar.
We get dressed- we're going out. Benjamin has connections. We go to Duplex.

I danced with the Parisians until 5:30am. Feet are on fire.

Day 10- get back to Michelle's place at 6:30am. Sleep for two hours.
Say our goodbyes and hop on a bus that takes us to Brussels.

What an adventure.