I checked out CNN and all I kept seeing was "poorest country in the western hemisphere" and "below poverty line"
What does it matter? Is that an incentive to get people to help more? That really annoyed me.
They need help. That's all that really matters.
I love how the media likes to shed light on how poor Haiti is but doesn't remark ever about its beautiful beaches, mountains and rich culture.
I love how they forget to mention that Haiti was the first independent country in the western hemisphere...SECOND ONLY TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Or how the U.S occupied Haiti during 1915-1934 and stripped Haiti of all it's agriculture, coal, gold...etc. I just find that interesting.

You should watch BET because they are reporting it correctly, by giving credit to Haiti for being the one of the first independent nations free from European control.
I can't watch BET. I'm in europe remember.
Yes you can, from online. Watch the news videos.
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