You're in luck today. I have two stories to share. They happened a few weeks ago but I had completely forgotten until well, now.
Better late than never I guess.
The ACA students are required to get x-rayed and get a check-up, so 5 of us drove into Annecy for our doctors visit. Upon our arrival the lady at the desk, checked our papers and told us to have a seat. I was just about to get comfortable when they called my name. I got up and followed another lady in a white lab coat into a closet type room and she hastily informed me that I was to take my clothes off from the waist up. My face must've looked quite confused as I asked her if I was just getting a chest x-ray. She repeated herself again as she left the room and I started tearing of my clothes, she seemed rushed and so I didn't want to prolong the process.
I was almost undressed when she poked her head through the door on the opposite side of the "closet". Creepy.
She ushered me into this room entirely gray and industrial looking. My hands were placed on my chest as I gingerly walked across the room, looking for a table to lay myself on. She motioned to a stage-like platform near a marble looking wall.
I was supposed to step onto the platform and press myself against the wall while breathing in. I'll let that sink in.
Awkward, yeah I know.
The woman walked into a little office with a window facing me and counted to three while I breathed in feeling every inch of cold that can be felt while being pressed up against a black, cold, marble wall. After less than two seconds she said, "C'est tout!" and ushered me back into the closet. I chuckled to myself as I got dressed and walked out to the waiting room. The others asked me how it went and as I was about to explain they asked one of the girls, Meredith, to step into the closet. I finished explaining myself and after the tittering died down we heard an alarmed "Oh!" come from the room. We laughed realizing that Meredith had just experienced the awkwardness. What we didn't know is that she had reached another level of awkwardness that none of us would experience.
A few moments later, a red-faced and flustered Meredith stepped out and plopped herself down on a seat.
"How was it?" someone asked.
"I thought she meant take
all my clothes off, even my underwear."
Well that did it, we were laughing so hard we cried. Poor Meredith.
Lesson of the day: going for a simple x-ray in France equals partially removing your clothing with no protective x-ray gear, or in the case of Meredith, complete nudity.
That same week was the birthday of one of our french friends here so we decided to go into Switzerland to celebrate. We went to a great little restaurant tucked away in the older, more historic part of Geneva. After great laughs and a great meal we decided to go for a walk by the lake. It was snowing out and the christmas lights were still up and shinning brightly. There were eight of us, five girls and three guys. As we were walking around the lake, Aurèlie, the birthday girl, nudged me hard in my side and whispered, "there's a guy following us, run!" I didn't even think twice and I ran. Idiot move. Five other men came out of the shadows as drunk as can be and started running after all of us girls, slurring invitations to goodness knows. The three boys of course hadn't run, they were still lagging behind us, walking calmly, trying to keep the five men away from us. At one point, one of the men started pushing Tarsis, one of our guys around, but he didn't react he just kept walking. They followed us for a good 10 minutes and after seeing that we stopped reacting, they finally slinked back into the darkness where they came from.
A little scared, was I? I was.
Thank goodness for the guys. I don't know what we ladies would've done.